Penobscot Climate Action Data Viewer
Below is the ArcGIS Penobscot Climate Action Data Viewer. Begin by clicking Here to watch the data viewer tutorial to learn how to navigate the Penobscot Climate Action Data Viewer. Each asset in the data viewer was analyzed for exposure to flooding and heat. The land cover type and social vulnerability score at each asset were also noted. Click Here to learn more about Penobscot Climate Action Data Viewer scoring system.
The Penobscot Climate Action Data Viewer provides visibility into infrastructural, environmental, and socioeconomic assets and systems – and their exposure to certain climate change and hazard variables - throughout the Bangor Area Comprehensive Transportation System region. This region includes: Bangor, Orono, Bradley, Brewer, Hampden, Hermon, Milford, Old Town, Orrington, Penobscot Indian Island, and Veazie. The data viewer is a complement to the regional Climate Vulnerability Analysis and was populated using publicly available GIS data layers. Assets and systems can be overlayed with hazard layers (e.g., sea level rise/storm surge, FEMA floodplain*, urban heat island), environmental (e.g., land cover, marsh migration), and social (e.g., CDC social vulnerability, various census layers) to further explore geospatial relationships between assets, climate, people, and the environment.
To use the map in its native application click here: